Yes, You Can Feel Better!
Here are some of their comments:

“I have been seeing Kyra on and off for over a decade, and there’s a reason that I always return. Kyra is one of the most compassionate, empathic, open-minded, and intelligent individuals that I have ever met. Her concern and care are genuine; her knowledge and expertise are unmatched. It typically takes me a long time to feel comfortable with a new person; however, with Kyra, I felt immediately comfortable. She knew how to break down my walls and has truly made such a profound impact on my life. I am forever grateful.”
– Jessica T.

– Jason V.

– Rebecca K.

The office is also very helpful when you need refills or a emergency visit.”
– Jim W.

– Catherine C.

– Stella K.

– Shannon L.

– Julie P.

– Ariana C.

Kyra Sposato, NP
Frequently Asked Questions
Never done this before? Don't worry, we're here to help answer all of your questions.
Plainview Office
88 Sunnyside Blvd
Plainview, NY 11803
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Session Options
Admin Hours
Monday 9am - 3pm
Tuesday 9am - 3pm
Wednesday 9am - 1pm
Thursday 9am - 3pm
Friday 9am - 3pm
Appointment Hours
Monday 12pm - 8pm
Tuesday 12pm - 8pm
Wednesday 11am - 3pm
Thursday 12pm - 8pm
Friday 12pm - 8pm
Saturday 11am - 4pm
Website designed and built by Goodpep in collaboration with Kyra Sposato